This is a painting I've recently finished that can apply to the "Missing and Emergency" themes. There is a missing piece of the planet and I suspect the mass consumption which America is obsessed with seems to stem from the sense that something is "missing" from their lives (our advertising influences help this ongoing trend too)!? Since it is so applicable to "Emergency" also, I've submit it again this week!
Acrylics and Colored Pencil on Linen Canvas 10 x 12"
another great work makes me think,
if only i could find a way back to simplicity however we tend to work/or want to work in a field that lends it self to the promotion of consumtion
I really enjoyed looking at your work. You draw and paint very well. I saw your piece for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Guild. I was born and raised in Sequim. I now live in Puyallup.
Wow... scary. The face accurately illustrates consumers' ferocious appetites. And taking a chunk out of the earth really says something. Just take a look at the damage to coral reefs and the immediate impact that is making. Anyway, you have a very thought-provoking piece and I enjoy your artwork Greg!
Very intense, the character reminds me of Ursula from The Little Mermaid movie. Great work!
I agree with your thoughts about the causes of consumerism - and I like your image.
great dramatic piece - not much of a stretch at all for 'missing'...i think you're right about marketing's play on what-we-don't-have-but-should.
Gorgeous illo. Such amazing colors and expression.
I love your style, it's so expressive. And I agree with Tina, your character does remind one of Ursula :). But never mind that, well done!
Very cool, love the concept!
i', m deathly afraid of her teeth, greg...and those chains. wow...this is really really something. :))
A very interesting concept! I think marketers play on our fears. Shame on you!! (To the marketers...) Thanks for making me think.
greg, this illustration is great. I love your detailed work and your style. I agree with you about us (consumers) trying to fill the void. If only people would learn to look within and see the so called void is just simply an illusion.
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